Thursday 17 February 2011

sudan people groups

Khartoum also claimed Southern forces were backed by rebel groups. It did not specify which rebels but the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) has been battling government troops in South Kordofan since...

Sudan protest
Sudan protest

Sudan People's Liberation
Sudan People's Liberation

Southern Sudanese people carry
Southern Sudanese people carry

South Sudan : People and
South Sudan : People and

Few Sudanese people, again i
Few Sudanese people, again i

Aid groups in Southern Sudan
Aid groups in Southern Sudan

This team will represent Darfur, the embattled region of Sudan, in the 2012 Viva World Cup in June, a soccer tournament for nationless people and other groups not represented by FIFA, the international soccer federation.
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One of its leaders, Yasir Arman, declared that “all Sudan is a theater for [its] operations, including Khartoum.” Izzat tells TIME the SRF has contacts with opposition groups in Khartoum that “may organize people in an uprising...
sudan people groups


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