Thursday 17 February 2011

sea of galilee dead sea map

Just think of visiting Bethlehem, Nazareth, the Galilee where his public ministry was; Capharnaum, his headquarters, the Mt. of Beatitudes, Multiplication of the Loaves & Fishes, Mt. Tabor; the Sea of Galilee; the Holy City Jerusalem, site of so much biblical history; the Garden of Gethsemani, Mt. of Olives, Way of the Cross, a Passover meal, the Dead Sea, Massada, the Judean Wilderness, Qumran and so much more. Our biblical faith assumes deeper dimensions...

to the Sea of Galilee.
to the Sea of Galilee.

go to Masada - the Dead Sea
go to Masada - the Dead Sea

This map, part of the Dead Sea
This map, part of the Dead Sea

Galilee and the Dead Sea
Galilee and the Dead Sea

En Gedi palms and Dead Sea
En Gedi palms and Dead Sea

Dead Sea on up along the River
Dead Sea on up along the River

To the northwest are Tulkarem and Qalqilia, and in the desert north of the Dead Sea, there's Jericho, where it's always summer. map6. For a high-definition .pdf version of this map, click here. This map is a little tricky, but let me...
Maps of Israel, Palestine, the Wall, and Settlements | Pembantu ...

Chapter 5: The Context of Jesus' Birth – the Holy Land (know map) – The Roman Empire (reasons why Jews and Romans did not get along) – Messianic Expectation – Political and Religious Structures at the time – the Sanhedrin – Tax Collectors – The Temple – The... It had two lakes: the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.... There were several small villages and towns, for example, Nazareth and Capernaum in Galilee, and Bethlehem and Jericho in Judaea.
sea of galilee dead sea map


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