Saturday 21 April 2012

pompeii ruins italy

Pompeii Ruins. A fellow at the train station called a cab over from across the street,. Little did I know that this man would become a friend to meet. He was going to take me to the hotel and back to the ruins. We talked the entire...

studying abroad in Italy for 5 months! 04Apr / 2012... Once we arrived in Pompeii, one of the professors, Pia Kehl, took charge and taught us everything she could fit in our time frame about these historical ruins. Ruins of...
A Weekend in Southern Italy: Pompeii, Naples, Sorrento, & Capri ...

For our second day in Italy, we drove to Pompeii i. It is a city that was covered with 80 feet of ash from a volcano in 72AD. Archeologists have excavated the ruins and we were able to see how they lived in the first century.
pompeii ruins italy


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