botswana people
MADRID (Reuters) – Spain's King Juan Carlos I hobbled out of a Madrid hospital on Wednesday and apologized for making an elephant-hunting trip to Botswana – a jaunt which has caused outrage in a country suffering from an economic crisis. The 74-year-old monarch, who suffers from osteoarthritis... Spain is struggling against a massive public deficit and soaring unemployment, with half of young people out of work. News of the king's came at a time when Spain's...

work and stay in Botswana

Travel | Botswana People

The language of Botswana is

First People of the Kalahari

Botswana: People

260 San People in Botswana
King Juan Carlos has apologised to the Spanish people for going on a hunting trip in Africa while his country was in the midst of an economic crisis. His trip to Botswana, which was widely criticised, emerged after he was flown...
Spain King Juan Carlos sorry for Botswana hunt trip
Germany, Sierra Leone, and Botswana by Tanya.... Germany, Sierra Leone, and Botswana by Tanya .... Botswana by Tanya">. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Germany, Sierra Leone, and Botswana by Tanya[/url] by [url=]kokkole[/url], on Flickr...
botswana people
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