united states of america 1860
Despite the fact that it seems J. L. Petrigru spent his career as a political minority, an epitaph in the Nashville Daily Union, March 28, 1863 remembered the great man as "Faithful Among the Faithless...in the [Nullification crisis] of 1830-33 and in the secession movement of 1860-61, Mr.... General Winfield Scott, a Virginian, and Brigadier General Montgomery Meigs from Georgia, both career U.S. Army man, chose to stay with the Union Army at the outbreak of the war.

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Confederate States of America
This is of course only a selection of cycles; many more may be active but these four give us a flavor of the confluence of crises ahead. Cycles are not laws of Nature, of course;... American history uncannily tracks an 80-year cycle of crises and profound transformation: 1860 (Civil War), 1940 (world war and global Empire) and next up to bat, 2020, the implosion of the debt-based Savior State and the financialized economy. 3. The 100-year cycle of inflation-deflation...
CONFLUENCE OF CYCLES « The Burning Platform
As part of its election success the party claimed the loyalty of 75 Representatives to the U.S. Congress and it dominated the elections in Massachusetts. Only the rise of the Republicans out of the ashes of the Whig Party in 1854... In 1895 John L. Brandt (1860-1946), a Disciples of Christ minister, wrote a broadside entitled America or Rome, Christ or the Pope, which had the support of the APA. Brandt worried that the immigrants were a vanguard of Popish agents...
united states of america 1860
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