Saturday 18 December 2010

pompeii bodies dog

A brief history on Pompeii: The Romans were not expecting Mt. Vesuvius to erupt, so there are bodies of people and dogs preserved in the volcanic ash as well as fruit, clothes and cookware. They were all preserved in the...

pompeii- bodies
pompeii- bodies

mosaic dog – Pompeii, Italy –
mosaic dog – Pompeii, Italy –

cast of a dog killed at
cast of a dog killed at

Pompeii Bodies 2
Pompeii Bodies 2

Plaster Citizens of Pompeii
Plaster Citizens of Pompeii

An old postcard with a dog
An old postcard with a dog

Roma, Napoli, Pompeii. The Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, the Roman Colosseum, Naples pizza, and the Pompeii ruins–all in 48 hours. A train strike almost stranded us in the murder capital of Italy at sunset, but we made it out alive.... The pictures aren't great, but there are sculptures of bodies/body parts lodged in the metal... Instead there was a herd of stray dogs that would roam the streets and get food from the locals…and then go nap in the Pompeii ruins.
Roma, Napoli, Pompeii « annapiep

Probably you can't make them out, but the impluvium is ringed witha decoration of little bronze dog-heads. Look at the remains of the paintwork; look at the wooden partition, charred but intact, which once screened off the back of the courtyard! Where Pompeii was buried in ash and debris, which collapsed the roofs of its buildings, Herculaneum was encased in hot mud-flows, which set like concrete, preserving the city as it was in the moment Vesuvius erupted--even to...
pompeii bodies dog


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