Friday 13 August 2010

morro de sao paulo beaches

There are many beach destinations to visit, but if you accept a recommendation: Morro de Sao Paulo, is the perfect destination for a perfect holiday. The Morro de Sao Paulo is located on the northern island of Tinharé, although at first it was...

Morro do Sao Paulo Beach party
Morro do Sao Paulo Beach party

Morro de São Paulo
Morro de São Paulo

Morro de Sao Paulo Beaches
Morro de Sao Paulo Beaches

Morro de Sao Paulo Beach
Morro de Sao Paulo Beach

MORRO S.PAULO4ª,3ª beach.
MORRO S.PAULO\4ª,3ª beach.

Brazil - Morro de Sao Paulo
Brazil - Morro de Sao Paulo

We decided to go to Morro de Sao Paulo, a tropical island 2 hours by boat from Salvador. It was like heaven! IMG_4786.jpg. We stayed in a cute little hostel a block from the beach, which did the best breakfast. And we just...
Salvador & Morro de Sao Paulo - Round the World Adventure

The Lonely Planet has a thing or two to say about Salvador. “If you are going to get mugged in South America, there is a good chance it will happen in Salvador”. Having spent a bit of time in South America to-date, this was not...
morro de sao paulo beaches


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