Thursday 30 July 2009

berlin blockade

megacephalus - berlin says: 04/12/2012 at 12:31 pm. Those advocating blockade, which really bears most on the least affluent, should reflect upon the results of the [primarily] British driven blockade of Germany after WWi and...

The Berlin Blockade
The Berlin Blockade

Berlin blockade and airlift
Berlin blockade and airlift

Berlin Blockade: Cold War
Berlin Blockade: Cold War

Berlin Blockade
Berlin Blockade

Berlin Blockade Article 1948
Berlin Blockade Article 1948

Berlin Airlift
Berlin Airlift

Question by APE: To what extent was the berlin blockade a cause for the cold war? I'm a little interested in the cold war. and I realize it had many causes, the Berlin blockade being one of them. Can anyone tell me how big of...
To what extent was the berlin blockade a cause for the cold war ...

People in West Berlin enjoyed being part of the thriving West Germany economy. They were cut off from the rest of West Germany by the wall in a physical sense, but not economically or politically. After the Berlin blockade in...
berlin blockade


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