Sunday 28 November 2010

easter island chile

These statues are one of the most visited tourist spot in Chile. It is standing in "Easter Island" facing the inner part of the island. It looks like a guard that secure the island from bad spirits. They call the rocks as "Moai", it also serves as a...

of , Easter Island, Chile
of , Easter Island, Chile

moai, Easter Island
moai, Easter Island

easter island map
easter island map

Map of Chile
Map of Chile

Easter Island (Rapa Nui)- one
Easter Island (Rapa Nui)- one

Easter Island (CL)
Easter Island (CL)

Easter Island Chile, or Rapa Nui, is a remote, roughly triangular island with an extinct volcano at each corner.
Easter Island Chile Known As 'The Navel Of The World' | GITravel

Study examines carbon footprint of Chile's Easter Island. Study recommends reducing flights to island and promoting solar energy systems.
easter island chile


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