Wednesday 22 April 2009

phnom penh city 2012

It's obvious a lot has changed in Cambodia, especially the mirage of development and progress seen in images of bustling metropolitan cities with high rises, latest model cars, crowded markets and restaurants, camera-toting tourists. Cambodia is a paradise for foreign investors .... Roth Meas Tuesday, 10 April 2012 Phnom Penh Post The Kingdom's most important ceremony is only a few days away, and as they load up on... Cambodia updates: Pottery Wheel Project...

The 'Ho Chi Minh City Expo
The 'Ho Chi Minh City Expo

She fell in love with Phnom
She fell in love with Phnom

Phnom Penh tower is one of the
Phnom Penh tower is one of the

Phnom Penh city:
Phnom Penh city:

Phnom Penh city:
Phnom Penh city:

March 29th, 2012
March 29th, 2012

05.04.2012. I made it back to Phnom Penh in time to go out for a drink with all the other volunteers. It was really nice to see everyone again. The next morning we went to this store in the city where they also have a restaurant and swimming...
Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City! - Gillian's Big Adventure

Monday, April 16, 2012... April 17 will mark the 37th anniversary of the fall of Cambodian capitol city Phnom Penh to the Khmer Rouge and the onset of a genocidal regime that would be remembered for the Killing Fields. Throughout the...
phnom penh city 2012


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