Sunday, 24 June 2012

neuschwanstein castle floor plan

It would be silly to compile this list without the inclusion of a castle and Germany's Neuschwanstein Castle has to be the finest zombie-proof example in the world. Situated in rural Bavaria high up on a rugged hill, no zombie will ever find their...

The famous Bavarian castle
The famous Bavarian castle

Plan of the castle complex
Plan of the castle complex

Neuschwanstein castle
Neuschwanstein castle

Neuschwanstein Castle
Neuschwanstein Castle

For Ages 10 and Up. Puzzle
For Ages 10 and Up. Puzzle

Floor plan of apartment
Floor plan of apartment

The construction of the castle was carried out according to a well thought-out plan. The castle was equipped with all kinds of technical conveniences which were very modern, if not to say revolutionary at that time. Running water on all floors. There were toilets equipped with automatic flushing on every floor. A warm air heating system for the entire building. American tourists are already familiar with Neuschwanstein; the sleeping beauty Castle in DisneyLand, was...
NoRaZfAzLi: Most Fascinating Castles and Palaces

If you're thinking of planning a trip to Europe at any point, I highly suggest visiting the Neuschwanstein Castle (pronounced noy – SHVAN – shtine), also known as “The Sleeping Beauty Caste.” It's one of the most visited castles in Germany and one of the most popular... For example on every floor of the castle there were toilets with automatic flushing system, as well as an air heating system for the whole castle. Water was supplied by a nearby spring situated at only 200 meters above...
neuschwanstein castle floor plan

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