sudan genocide facts
It's a great statement, and if they thought about how investment in PetroChina is connected to the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, they would put the facts together and realize they have to make an effort to make money for their...

the genocide in Dafur?
inr4075-genocide - Sudanese

Sudanese President Omar

Sudan's genocidal regime

Darfur genocide facts Darfur

After saving southern Sudan,
Easing the Road to Genocide. What do atrocity crimes in Darfur have to do with the present crises in the border regions of Sudan/South Sudan? What is the connection to a vast humanitarian crisis that has put more than half a million ..... And there can be little doubt after the successful and cost-free seizure of Abyei that the regime well understands the importance of creating military “facts on the ground”; such “facts” will be useful, Khartoum calculates, in negotiations...
South Sudan: Darfur and Kadugli (south Kordofan), awarded the ...
Our infographic breaks down the facts.... We need a strong Arms Trade Treaty that will stop tools of death from getting into the hands of people like Syria's Assad and Sudan's Bashir who continue to brutalize their people. In July, UN .... country in Africa with a population free to practice whatever religion they wanted, universal health care and free education–the country now destroyed, murderous fundamentalist brought in by US/France/England/NATO, black genocide.
sudan genocide facts
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