Saturday 26 May 2012

prague at night vimeo

Night in Prague. Category: Music Video Date added: January 3, 2011 submitted by: Victor Metron (metron) Shot on a Canon 5D Mark II. Prague Night ~ Painter Musician Coachman...

From the Edge, the USA-USITT Design Exhibition, has returned from Prague and will be a feature exhibit in Long Beach, Calif. The 2011 Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design & Space had more than 40000 visitors...
American theater under the sign of Obama: “From the Edge,” USA ...

I took it really easy all day buying a new book, relaxing and having coffee in Prague Square, and just enjoying the city. Treated myself to a nice dinner at my favorite place near my hotel and called it an early night. Day four...
prague at night vimeo


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