Saturday 26 May 2012

morocco african union

TheAfrican Union, established as a unique Pan African continental body, is chargedwith spearheading Africa's rapid integration and sustainable development bypromoting unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among...

the African Union and its
the African Union and its

part of the African Union,
part of the African Union,

part of the African Union,
part of the African Union,

The African Union is a union
The African Union is a union

African-Union (1)
African-Union (1)

African Union, Morocco has
African Union, Morocco has

The African Union cannot do without a country as important as Morocco, said on Sunday Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki. Boosting the Arab Maghreb Union is an inevitable necessity, and the resolution of the Sahara... » » African Union cannot do without Morocco ...

Inseeking to achieve this objective, the African Union intends to strengthen itscapacity to deliver by, among others, the implementation of a neworganizational structure and the filling of all vacant posts. TheCommission of the...
morocco african union


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