Thursday, 17 May 2012

angel falls venezuela pictures

Take a look at these pictures of Angel Falls and be sire to check out the 360 degree panorama as well - strap on your seat-belt though!... Angel Falls is the world's highest waterfall as well as the inspiration for Paradise Falls in the Pixar film Up. Unless you're planning on visiting the falls in the heart of Venezuela in person, the next best thing might be this stunning series of 360° aerial panoramas recently captured by photographer Dmitry Moiseenko over two days from...

will not decree the change
will not decree the change

Angel Falls, Venezuela
Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel Falls, Venezuela
Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel Falls
Angel Falls

Angel Falls Venezuela
Angel Falls Venezuela

Angel Falls Venezuela 5
Angel Falls Venezuela 5

DRAGON FALLS, VENEZUELA FROM ABOVE Photograph by Dmitry Moiseenko @ In this incredible capture by Dmitry.... Picture of the Day: Dragon Falls, Venezuela from Above. Posted by Sifter in ANIMALS, NATURE & SPACE, PICTURE OF THE DAY, TRAVEL | 1 comment... Dmitry Moiseenko, we look down the jaw-dropping Dragon Falls in Venezuela. Known locally as Churun Meru, it's apparently about 10 km south of Angel Falls in the same valley.
Picture of the Day: Dragon Falls, Venezuela from Above

And that exactly is what I thought when I recently discovered Angel Falls- the world's highest waterfall located in Venezuela. The minute I saw a picture of these waterfalls I was transported to the Pixar Disney movie UP. The final destination to...
angel falls venezuela pictures

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