Tuesday, 3 April 2012

old jerusalem walls

The UNESCO World Heritage List includes several hundred properties with outstanding universal value. They are all part of the world's cultural and natural heritage. Country: Jordan/Palestina/Israel Date of Inscription: 1987...

of ancient Jerusalem'
of ancient Jerusalem'

The walls of Jerusalem's old
The walls of Jerusalem's old

The walls of Jerusalem's Old
The walls of Jerusalem's Old

Old City Walls and Gates
Old City Walls and Gates

Ly outside the walls of Old
Ly outside the walls of Old

File:Jerusalem, walls of Old town
File:Jerusalem, walls of Old town

Jews stand on the Mount of Olives overlooking the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem and gaze towards the Temple Mount, where two temples stood and were destroyed. Jews pray for the reestablishment of a third temple in...
Photo Essay: Jerusalem Pilgrimage and Priestly Blessings 5772 ...

The magnificent walls of Jerusalem's Old City constitute a living example of Arab Islamic architecture. The walls surrounding the Old City were built by the Ottoman under the direct supervision of Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanouni in...
old jerusalem walls

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