Monday, 2 April 2012

honduras prison fire bodies

Honduras prison fire: Bodies fused together, inmates hide in showers awaiting death. Tales from survivors: -EF.


Prison fire victim: Forensic
Prison fire victim: Forensic

Prison fire kills hundreds in
Prison fire kills hundreds in

Most Honduras prison fire
Most Honduras prison fire

Honduras prison fire:
Honduras prison fire:

Honduras Prison Fire The
Honduras Prison Fire The

Though a number of bodies were badly burned, they claimed that these wounds were the cause of death. According to Honduran press accounts, the fire began in the midst of a prison riot that was sparked by an attempt to...
At least 13 dead in another Honduran prison massacre | Inter-Faith ...

Family members searching through body bags for their loved ones. Photos: Proceso Digital and La Tribuna, Honduras. The US ATF team which investigated the Honduras prison fire determined that the cause of the fire was...
honduras prison fire bodies

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