Or 1 male 2 females but then you have chance of upset in the tank... If you are worried about bio load and Nirates effecting your potential GBR purchase you could look at Bolivian Rams? I had my heart set on GBR's and then...
Male and Female Bolivian Rams
Here is my hot Bolivian Mama!
Female Bolivian Ram
Female Bolivian Ram
Breeding Bolivian Rams
Bolivian Ram
In order to breed Bolivian Ram Cichlids, you'll need to acquire a female and male Cichlid. Sexing Bolivian Rams can be difficult until they reach full maturity. Once they reach this stage, the male will appear less plump than the...
Breeding Bolivian Ram Cichlids | Gill Gallery
This is a discussion on Sick Bolivian Ram!? within the Freshwater Fish Disease forums, part of the More Freshwater Aquarium Topics category; I believe my female Bolivian Ram is sick. I have just noticed this over the past...
female bolivian ram
The second picture is a German blue ram... funny