Monday 16 April 2012

brussels sprouts plant

For as much effort as I put into my garden, I think my plants could be better. In the middle of last year I was at my favorite local nursery here in Escondido sniveling to one of their gardeners. As I put a couple of Brussels sprouts...

of a brussels sprout plant
of a brussels sprout plant

Growing Brussels Sprouts
Growing Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts on the stem
Brussels sprouts on the stem

Brussels sprouts are
Brussels sprouts are

Brussels sprout plants have
Brussels sprout plants have

Brussels Sprout Plant
Brussels Sprout Plant

... centre before I leave to purchase additional pots and planters! Madeleine says, “I wish the seed packets had carried a bit more guidance about sowing- I´ll now be passing on a lot of Brussels Sprouts plants to my friends!”...
Portuguese Sprouts sprouting | Norfolk Master Gardeners

The Brussels Sprouts had grown into huge plants. Nice looking plants. I don't think we were going to get sprouts. It's getting too hot. But, they were trying. See those little buds? Some other huge plants...these cilantro plants are...
brussels sprouts plant


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