Saturday, 21 April 2012

boston massacre propaganda

Her current one has her all lit up about the American Revolution, and she gets off the bus every day and regales me (in the fluent Lightspeedese of an excited fourth grader) with the implications of the Intolerable Acts or Paul Revere's provocative engraving of Occupy Boston the Boston Massacre. (That's Revere's propaganda piece to the left.) So I wasn't surprised when she came home last week with news that Ms. Monsour had asked the kids a really good question: If...

the “Boston Massacre” for
the “Boston Massacre” for

of Boston's custom house,
of Boston's custom house,

and Boston Massacre Art
and Boston Massacre Art

Unhappy BOSTON! see thy Sons
Unhappy BOSTON! see thy Sons

The Boston Massacre, engraving
The Boston Massacre, engraving

Boston Massacre -
Boston Massacre -

I have almost never seen the Boston Massacre treated as anything other than Patriot propaganda and a way to make John Adams look good for standing against mob rule and his democratic cousin Sam like a slimy villain...
Publick Occurrences 2.0 » The “Boston Spring” That Wasn't

Daniel Usher at the Boston Massacre · Remaking the Artillery Regiment from Cambridge, 15... Henry Knox at the Boston Massacre · The Boston Massacre as You've Never Exactly Seen I... “It serves to call to remembrance”...
boston massacre propaganda

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