Gods; Pyramids; Daily Life in Ancient Greece. Maps. Dvd; Games; Software. Office. Timeline. Child Category 1. Sub Child Category 1; Sub Child Category 2; Sub Child Category 3. Child Category 2; Child Category 3; Child...
Sparta and Athens
Map of the city-states of
Map of Ancient Greece
Athens and Sparta organized
Ancient Greece
With three different campaigns to choose from, as well as a sandbox mode, you can relive the glory days of Athens, Sparta and Macedon. Hegemony Gold: Wars of Ancient Greece is available for the low price of $19.99.
Hegemony Gold: Wars Of Ancient Greece Now On Steam » Village ...
Gods; Pyramids; Daily Life in Ancient Greece. Maps. Dvd; Games; Software. Office. Timeline. Child Category 1. Sub Child Category 1; Sub Child Category 2; Sub Child Category 3. Child Category 2; Child Category 3; Child Category 4... In view of the personality problems that had brought down Pausanias (and with him Spartan naval leadership), it was particularly fortunate for the Athenians that they had at their disposal a man as famous for his probity and affability as...
athens and sparta map ancient greece
Thanks so much for the history / geography posts,for I am learning so much as I do my son's report! (You know, the one he was told about a month ago but 'forgot'until the day before it's due? Yeah, THAT report. He didn't lie about one thing, that it is hard to find information on how the ancient Athenians just...lived! Of course there is information on their true-form of Democracy, philosophy, art, sculpture, and the architecture which is more than amazing, oh, and the Olympic games. However, there seems to be a "sparse" amount of information on the way the people dressed, what was prized virtues in men and women, how children were raised,what food was tasty (the report is on the Golden Age of Greece, and each child was assigned a different polis. So, Praise God he got Athens. If I have difficulty with it, I'd imagine the other reports will be very slim and spartan in detail. Except for the one who was assigned Sparta.) Forgive the horrible joke, as I got no sleep last night. Nothing to do with Athens, more to do with a tooth ache and thoughts that kept swirling through my head, none good enough to actually catch and write down, just distracting brain chatter. I'm betting that you will not get this for quite some time. It's Presidents' Day, Monday, no idea what the actual date is! Time moves differently in my life, a BIG point of contention in my husband's world, but I'm epileptic. I have holes in my timeline, and that's what gets him the blinking handicap placard which allows him to park close to the door on freezing cold days when I'm not even with him. Oh,Cor Blimey, didn't know I was going to rant. Apparently I have issues. So, anyway, if you happen to get this, and if you know of any sites to recommend (or if you want to just make something up; unless it's too outrageous of a custom, such during formal greetings,it was common of the lower classes to lick each woman on the left side of the nostril,but when greeting men whom they had not before met, the preferred method was to grab the scrotum and give it a firm shake to the left. Never never to the right.) I'd question that. I'd laugh until I melted, to find someone else with my oddball sense of humor, but I'd question the authenticity of the statement, as well! Now that I have proven myself a complete loony, I am going to assume that you and anyone else who can read this, are not loonies by giving you my email address, just in case you get this, aren't scared of me, or at least feel sorry for my son for having a mother such as myself. Oh, or in case you want to direct me to somewhere far away from you. And, in all honesty, thanks for the blog. I read more than one page. It's great. feytesfate@gmail.com