Brazil nut trees have a unique distinction that makes them important to the preservation of the Amazon: they flourish only in the Amazon's untouched rainforest. Thanks to a particular bee combined with soil content issues,...
of the Amazon rainforest.
for the Amazon Rainforest
an Amazon rainforest tree
Amazon rainforest trees to be
Amazon Rainforests Trees Might
Amazon Rainforest - amazon
The acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry is the fruit of the acai palm tree, which is found only in the Amazon rainforest. While it has been used for centuries as food and medicine in Central and South America, it has only... World Community News » Weight Loss Power of Acai
Big trees are also sensitive to fragmentation, which exposes them to stronger winds and drier conditions. Laurance's own work in the Amazon has shown substantial die-off of canopy giants in small forest fragments. Their susceptibility seems...
amazon rainforest trees
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