Saturday, 10 March 2012

south korea and north korean flag

South Korea's defense ministry has announced that its belligerent neighbor to the north did indeed launch a rocket on Friday and they are currently tracking its progress. North Korea says that the rocket is to launch a satellite into orbit for what they termed as “peaceful research.” However, the... U.S. Military Preparing For False Flag Alien Invasion · Crazy Unemployment Figures Circulating on the Internet -- 87897000 Americans Unemployed? Truth or · Mac Attack:...

South Korea. North Korean
South Korea. North Korean

South Korea Marks Funeral Of
South Korea Marks Funeral Of

South Korea Marks Funeral Of
South Korea Marks Funeral Of

South Korea Marks Funeral Of
South Korea Marks Funeral Of

North Korean defectors burn
North Korean defectors burn

A South Korean activist tears
A South Korean activist tears

The show of muscle put the region on edge, but Donald Gregg, former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea from 1989-1993 and an ABC News consultant, said he believed it was new leader Kim Jong Un's way of asserting his power. “The main audience for this... Large amounts of dirt and ground cover are being moved at one of North Korea's nuclear sites, which experts believe indicates the North Koreans plan to test a nuclear device. Even more alarming is that...
U.S Officials Confirms North Korea Rocket Launch Fails « Pat Dollard

A recent report from South Korean intelligence officials said that North Korea is planning a new nuclear test in the area where it staged previous atomic blasts. The South Korean intelligence report noted that the two previous rocket launches that Pyongyang said were... To report an offensive or otherwise inappropriate comment, click the "Flag" link that appears beneath that comment. Comments that are flagged by a set number of users will be automatically removed.
south korea and north korean flag

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