france flag meaning
Vietnamese Flag History: The Vietnamese flag was adopted on November 30, 1955, after gaining independence from French rule in 1954. The basic design of the Vietnamese flag originates from the 1940s and was used by...

national flag of France

just because French health


behind France's flag.

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TIJOU Family
I long had this image of the French revolution as the French people, that is, the people who spoke French, rising up. But during the revolution in 1789, only half the population of France spoke some French. The state of France created the French... Effectively, they have changed the language, they have gotten us to attribute new meaning to existing words, to associate piracy and theft to the infringement of exclusivity rights. Scientists often play the same games.
How to manipulate the masses by language alone
But the Morgan Stanley position is, I think, one about which the French elite – I mean the real France, not the mock versions like Sarkozy and Lagarde – have every right to be concerned. The behaviour, motive and gains apparent for the firm are so obvious as to be at ..... create even more violence to show the government who the boss really is. This needs watching closely but be sure our flag-wavers of freedom: the BBC and Sky won't report any skirmishes that arise.
france flag meaning
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