Rioting and arson that engulfed Sunday's protests in central Athens resulted in 170 destroyed businesses, 1.5 million euros worth of damage to public infrastructure and tens of millions of damage to property, according to Athens News. Reports now emerging add a more sinister edge to the perceived impression... The Athens News reports that 53 are Greek nationals and 26 foreign nationals. A further 92 people have now been detained, 68 Greeks and 24 foreigners.
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Greek riot police attack
Fox news uses Athens riots
Athens riots
Athens riots
Athens riots as cuts vote
The recent suicide of a cash-strapped Greek pensioner is a sign of the dire situation Greece finds itself in. It can be solved only by extreme measures such as default and giving up the... Go to main page News 'EU in mortal danger'. Follow RT on. facebook twitter YouTube Google+. MORE ON THE STORY... Athens : Riot police stand in Athens on April 4, 2012 during clashes with demonstrators. An elderly man shot himself in the head on Wednesday in Athens' central...
'EU in mortal danger' — RT
After the Athens riots, the city recovers... Streets become empty as fire crews, police and security guards begin to clean and restore the city after recent austerity protests. .... "Demotix may change the way news is reported"...
athens riots latest news
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