Tuesday, 6 March 2012

amsterdam canals freeze

First a snowstorm blankets the city with a load of snow, and now, weeks into a deep freeze, Amsterdam's canals have frozen over enough for people to walk on them. While the city's canals sometimes freeze during especially cold winters,...

as the canals freeze to a
as the canals freeze to a

a row, freezing canals up.
a row, freezing canals up.

a row, freezing canals up.
a row, freezing canals up.

Deep Freeze Turns Amsterdam
Deep Freeze Turns Amsterdam

Amsterdam. #frozen canals .
Amsterdam. #frozen canals .


Amsterdam's frozen canals are the latest European waterway to freeze this winter. Earlier this month, Venice's famous canals froze, a rare feat. Europe's second-longest river, the Danube, has also frozen. At least four Balkan...
ICE AGE NOW: Deep Freeze Turns Amsterdam Canals into Skating ...

Does that mean it's about time now?? Icy Canals (VIDEO) My favorite part is: "City water authorities banned tourist canal cruisers on parts of the canal system, in order to let them to (sic?) freeze over." bbc.co.uk. How awesome...
amsterdam canals freeze

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