Friday 10 February 2012

ukraine city

Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the more charming cities in Europe. This 1500-year old city, with a population of nearly 3 million people, is a leading industrial and commercial center of the country. This blog is a public...


in all Ukrainian cities:
in all Ukrainian cities:

Prypiat, Ukraine - City ruins
Prypiat, Ukraine - City ruins

Photos of Ukraine cities
Photos of Ukraine cities

Donetsk Ukraine city overview,
Donetsk Ukraine city overview,

Chernovtsy city central square
Chernovtsy city central square

City Art Gallery Presents Time is Love.5 [show 9] International video art exhibition. Curated by Kisito Assangni 25 April 2012. 19H00 Free admission. CITY ART GALLERY 15 Chernyshevsky Str Kharkov, Ukraine...
Announce: Time is Love.5 - show 9: City Art Gallery, Ukraine

But they finally bowed to Western pressure and announced earlier this month she can be treated at a hospital in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv where her prison is located. “Ukrainian authorities have to do everything to...
ukraine city


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