Saturday, 4 February 2012

pompeii body casts

Most thoughtful is the placement of the bodies. The body casts of Pompeii are quite famous because, by finding a gap in the hardened pyroclastic debris where a body decayed leaving only the bones, one can pour plaster into...

What Are Body Casts?
What Are Body Casts?

Plaster Cast-Pompeii
Plaster Cast-Pompeii

Photograph of the cast of a
Photograph of the cast of a

Crouching man body cast
Crouching man body cast

Body at Pompeii
Body at Pompeii

A plaster cast from Pompeii
A plaster cast from Pompeii

Well especially now is Pompeii a great conversation starter. Archaeologists are finding new buildings and artifacts all the time. There is an exhibit touring the world right now. Displaying actual artifacts and casts of the stone...
Pop Trash Beauty: Trash Talk : Pompeii Italy

I got to experience A Day In Pompeii with some one who really has - my daughter Katie. She was there last... At the end of the exhibit, visitors see body casts of the victims, preserved in their final moments of life. It's very sad to...
pompeii body casts

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