Monday, 20 February 2012

egyptian mau colors

However, I have seen distinctly Siamese colored and type kittens show up in a litter that did not have a Siamese parent. Manx cats are purposely bred to cats who have normal tails in order to... Egyptian Mau European Shorthair Exotic Shorthair Foreign White German Rex Havana Brown Himalayan (also called Colorpoint Persian) Japanese Bobtail Javanese Korat Kurilian Bobtail LaPerm. Maine Coon Manx Mekong bobtail. Minskin Munchkin Nebelung Napolean...

Love Egyptian Mau Cats Shirt
Love Egyptian Mau Cats Shirt

Let others know how much you love your Egyptian Mau cat with this colorful
Let others know how much you love your Egyptian Mau cat with this colorful

Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau cat breed
Egyptian Mau cat breed

Egyptian Mau cat breed at
Egyptian Mau cat breed at

Colored Pencil Egyptian Mau
Colored Pencil Egyptian Mau

My Egyptian Mau... They wanted to make her spots 'pop' but in the process, the color of her eyes got muddied. Little quibbles – it's still very pretty. Here's the shot they gave us: Wintermuse's photo shoot. They took a lot of...
Animal Planet photo shoot Part 2 | My Egyptian Mau

In 1956, Princess Trubetskaya moved to the U.S., taking with them the Egyptian Mau various colors, bred in her kennel, as well as several cats from Egypt. American felinologists began painstaking work to restore and preserve the purity of...
egyptian mau colors

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