Or what about the numerous memorials and museums to the Vietnam war, that deep-seated skirmish that Americans still can't seem to forgive themselves for, and yet the Vietnamese seem to have already moved on from?... There are endless photos and posters on the wall depicting how those tough beer guzzling, marijuana-smoking American soldiers invaded their precious land and assaulted their women, maimed their men and children, and torched their villages.
during the Vietnam War."
Vietnam War of a soldier
Soldiers carry a wounded
American Troops Smoking Pot in
A South Vietnamese soldier
48, smokes marijuana at
He even appointed an attorney general who admitted to having smoked marijuana. So it was with great relief that some of us assumed that the perpetrators of the War on Drugs would finally follow the advice of the members of...
Expat Daily News: The United States' Global War on Drugs
4. Weed Flashback- Vietnam War Soldiers Smoking Weed From 12 Gauge Shotgun. A squad leader shows how to smoke weed with shotgun... one of the greatest ways to smoke weed ever! Tue Dec 14 12:28 pm, 2010; views: 367; from:...
vietnam war soldiers smoking weed
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