Monday, 9 January 2012

turkey country images

CNN-Turk broadcast images showing Syrian forces firing at Turkish territory from a border surveillance building flying the Syrian flag near southeastern Turkey. Moreover, Turkish media reported that Assad troops fired at Syrian refugees trying to... Attacking innocent refugees in another country who are not fighting him would only compound his already horrible image problems. Why would he do so? Moreover, why would Assad deliberately provoke Turkey by firing on...


Turkey Visit
Turkey Visit

The Eurasian Country Turkey
The Eurasian Country Turkey

Is Turkey on the Menu?
Is Turkey on the Menu?

A Turkish fisherman
A Turkish fisherman

2007: Turkey: Country
2007: Turkey: Country

FAMILY FLEES: A Syrian woman and child huddled together in a car at the border with Turkey after their successful escape from their country Wednesday. (Action Press/Zuma Press). Zoom in image #7. Photos of the Day: April 11society...
Photos of the Day: April 11 | Society |1x1 = News In Pictures

A worrisome article on the Turkish economy in this week's Economist forced investors in Turkey (TUR, quote) to re-evaluate their bullish outlook on the country's economy. However, in light of data released Wednesday,...
turkey country images

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