Friday 27 January 2012

malawi fish pictures

Really hard to get any good pictures of this fish as it moves so fast and randomly, i got a few and a video of it. I think its a... Electric blue has yellow head? soconno2, Malawi Cichlids, 7, 04-18-2005 12:48 PM. Female Red...

Malawi Ciclid Fish ( Malawi
Malawi Ciclid Fish ( Malawi

Link to the Malawi Cichlids
Link to the Malawi Cichlids

Lake Malawi Cichlids at the
Lake Malawi Cichlids at the

L Malawi Cichlid Aquarium.
L Malawi Cichlid Aquarium.

Anyone who has observed fish
Anyone who has observed fish

Among the Malawi cichlid I
Among the Malawi cichlid I

(6 ) Malawi Torpedo (Exocochromis Anagenys) .... I copy and paste the names so please make sure you send in the name of the fish in the picture and your members users name along with your name with each picture you submit for POTM.
APRILS POTM... TIME TO VOTE - The Midwest Cichlid Association

thanks all! lol Todd that's a good one! JW, max size 11 inches. Post a comment. You must be logged in to post comments. > Login with existing accounts. Do you already have an account on one of these sites? Click the logo to...
malawi fish pictures


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