Monday, 2 January 2012

easter island statues hats

LONDON: Archaeologists believe they have solved the mystery of how giant stone statues on Easter Island acquired distinctive red hats. The researchers said, on Monday, that the key to the mystery lies in the discovery of a...


Statues Sporting Hats
Statues Sporting Hats

Easter Island: Easter Island
Easter Island: Easter Island

Easter Island Statues With
Easter Island Statues With

Easter Island Moai Statues Hat by miquem. Easter Island Moai Statues
Easter Island Moai Statues Hat by miquem. Easter Island Moai Statues

Dr Sue White on Easter Island
Dr Sue White on Easter Island

He named it Easter Island. Near the coastline, his crew saw small boats of the local people setting off to greet his ship. Scanning the coastline of the island, he saw gigantic heads. Roggeveen gave this description of the heads: “the stone heads surprised us. We could not understand how these people,... The volcanic rock used for the hats came from a sacred quarry inside a crater full of red scoria, a volcanic pumice. The rock had to be transported for several miles on...
The stone heads of Easter Island – moai and Hoa Hakanania'a ... Easter island statue project also has a lot of pictures too. reply posted on 22-10-2011 @ 06:34 PM by Bonkrh. reply to post by CaDreamer... coast of Chile, the island is one of the world's most remote places inhabited by people. Up to 1000 years ago, the islanders started putting giant red hats on the statues. The research team, from the University of Manchester and University College London, think the hats were rolled down from an ancient volcano.
easter island statues hats

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