Saturday 3 December 2011

mexico city pollution problems

At right, a photo by Rodrigo Cruz for The New York Times shows a new, and apparently working, approach to cleaning the air in Mexico City: vertical gardens. That's not a word we hear much around here, not in can-do Dallas.

The city has serious problems
The city has serious problems

Pollution over Mexico City
Pollution over Mexico City

Pollution fighting vertical
Pollution fighting vertical

Mexico's third biggest city
Mexico's third biggest city

Mexico City Which sinking
Mexico City Which sinking

For many years, Mexico City
For many years, Mexico City

Last week, new research was posted online linking a type of air pollution to behavioral problems in children. The study, from Columbia University's School of Public Health, followed inner city children exposed to. polycyclic...
Air Pollution Linked to Attention Problems And Anxiety in Children ...

The city area and the islands territory face problems with the river water pollution, seasonal floods and deterioration of sewerage system. Our research of those issues shows that the island development strategy must include a...
mexico city pollution problems


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