Wednesday 21 December 2011

lithuania hetalia wiki

Hetalia Axis Powers Information, Hetalia Axis Powers Reviews, Synonyms:... There was one mistake where Lithuania's name was misplaced with Latvia's, but otherwise it was very nice. very well done. theyre the only ones doing it...

hetalia, aph, toris,
hetalia, aph, toris,

Source: Wiki
Source: Wiki

Russia/Lithuania - Hetalia
Russia/Lithuania - Hetalia

Lithuania :: Hetalia
Lithuania :: Hetalia

Hetalia Axis Powers: Chibi
Hetalia Axis Powers: Chibi

A description of tropes appearing in Axis Powers Hetalia.... When Lithuania professes to hate Poland, Poland tells him that he doesn't care, and "it doesn't, like, change the fact that I like you". Not entirely platonic, mind you - the expression...
Axis Powers Hetalia - Television Tropes & Idioms

Title: Before the First Star Shines Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia Genre: Romance/General Rating: PG Pairing: Poland/Lithuania Word Count: 1861 Summary: Poland helps Lithuania prepare the house on Christmas Eve. Notes: For sonchin... only little detail that is missing is opłatek( which is usually the most important part of whole evening, on the other hand it's about preparations so everything is ok anyway ;). Link | Reply |...
lithuania hetalia wiki


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