Monday 26 December 2011

iran people and government

Let's assume, for argument's sake, that the Israeli government indeed decides to attack Iran's nuclear installations. This would not “wipe out” the Iranian people, or even a part of it. Only madmen would use nuclear bombs for...

people and government and
people and government and

With Iranian People
With Iranian People

Tuesday The Iranian people
Tuesday The Iranian people

Iranians hate their government
Iranians hate their government

Help Iranian People Change
Help Iranian People Change

If the Iranian people and
"If the Iranian people and

With Turkey becoming head negotiator with Iran, its government is deliberating over the venue for the neighbors' next meeting. So what is... Are ordinary people scared, or is the pressure bringing consolidation? Iran tension...
'Turkey backs NATO & global missile defence, Iran opposes both ...

On the occasion of the start of the Persian New Year (Nowrūz), President Obama delivered a recorded video message to the Iranian people . In it, he highlighted the many ways the Iranian government denies its citizens...
iran people and government


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