venezuela flag meaning
The green color stands for the Gaelic tradition and history of Ireland, the orange represents the Irish followers of national hero William of Orange, and the color white on the Irish flag represents the peace between the various factions that... The constant changes to the Venezuelan flag are in line with major changes to the government of Venezuela, and it is likely that the current flag will change again, as soon as the rocky Chavez government changes its mind again.


Venezuela+flag+meaning History, economy, cultural customs andjust Bywhat

Venezuela flag framed


Look carefully at the flag.
Then other items slipped in,it soon became a potted history of Roys past life,some of it anyway. There have been many car projects in the past and maybe in the future. So recently a brand new blog was started to open a few...
CKD Boats - Roy Mc Bride: The Commodre accepts his flag
It is believed the word vane comes from the original 'fane' meaning flag in Anglo-Saxon. This would make sense, as through medieval times there were many flags and banners posted above buildings that would essentially...
venezuela flag meaning
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