Friday, 18 November 2011

turkey baster pictures

I finally ended up using a turkey baster and that worked pretty well. I used a flash off-camera (to the... I took over 200 pictures, many of them of still water, or a bit of ripple because the drops were out of frame. I would take some...

Turkey Baster
Turkey Baster

Turkey Baster Flute.
Turkey Baster Flute.

Turkey Baster (clipping path)
Turkey Baster (clipping path)

Turkey Baster (Aquatic
Turkey Baster (Aquatic

Troy King and a Turkey Baster
Troy King and a Turkey Baster

Basting (cooking)
Basting (cooking)

Abria was slightly jealous until I let her use our camera, and then we ended up with a lot of pictures of the ground.... cool down. Yes, Miss Z is squirting Abria with a turkey baster.... a very logical use of a seldom used utensil.
Keeping up with Alette and Abria: Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge

I tossed a pinch of worms into a small cup of RO/DI water and proceeded to squirt them into the aquarium with a turkey baster. Placing the worms into RO/DI water is pretty crucial, I think, as it really gets the worms wriggling...
turkey baster pictures

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