Tuesday, 4 October 2011

syrian president assad

President Bashar al-Assad of Syria fell under renewed threat of international action on Tuesday after peace negotiator Kofi Annan said his regime had broken its promises to embrace a ceasefire.

on Syrian President Assad
on Syrian President Assad

The wife of Syrian president
The wife of Syrian president

The Syrian president, Bashar
The Syrian president, Bashar

Syrian President Assad visits
Syrian President Assad visits

Syria president al-Assad
Syria president al-Assad

A poster of Syrian President
A poster of Syrian President

McCain and Lieberman said in a statement that Syrian President Bashar al Assad has violated the terms of Anann's cease-fire and that the only practical way forward is to arm the Syrian opposition. “We respect Mr. Annan's...
McCain and Lieberman meet with the Free Syria Army « The Ugly ...

10 March 2012: Mr Annan travels to Syria and meets President Assad. He leaves a few days later, and proposes a six-point peace plan which would include ending the movement of troops into Syrian towns, a withdrawal of...
syrian president assad

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