Wednesday, 19 October 2011

rio de janeiro slums

Grounding this debate in Rio de Janeiro is especially relevant given the current paradigm of urban renewal. The representation of Rio's favelas in popular media, everyday interactions, and political, professional and academic...

favela, Rio de Janeiro,
favela, Rio de Janeiro,

Rio de Janeiro state
Rio de Janeiro state

Rio de Janeiro slums
Rio de Janeiro slums

Rio de Janeiro - Violence
Rio de Janeiro - Violence

Favelas in Rio de Janeiro,
Favelas in Rio de Janeiro,

Authorities in Rio de Janeiro
Authorities in Rio de Janeiro

In Rio de Janeiro there are over one thousand favelas spreading from the hilltops of Zona Sul to Baixada Fluminense—these neighborhoods or “slums” are home to themost vulnerable and neglected communities of Brazil. Most favelas, built...
Context: The favelas of Rio de Janeiro Global Video Letters

André Cypriano wanted to show the dignity of the people who live in Rocinha, one of Rio de Janeiro's largest slums. Fernanda Santos, who grew up nearby, talked to Mr. Cypriano about his experience photographing the...
rio de janeiro slums

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