Friday 16 September 2011

oslo accords definition

This decade was strongly defined by the kibbutzim, the collective communities created throughout the Jewish state. Kibbutz members were considered the best of... In the 1993 Oslo Accords—for which Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize—Israel and the PLO signed an agreement primarily focused on Palestinian self-governance in the territories of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. Israeli society was deeply divided over the...

with the Oslo Accord,
with the Oslo Accord,

violation of Oslo Accords
violation of Oslo Accords"

one for the Oslo Accords
one for the Oslo Accords

lawn of the Oslo Accords,
lawn of the Oslo Accords,

The West Bank after Oslo
The West Bank after Oslo

Oslo Accords gp.
Oslo Accords gp.

Shortly after signing the first Oslo agreement, Arafat was caught on tape telling a Muslim audience in Johannesburg that he regarded that pact as merely another "Hudnat Hudeibiya"—a temporary arrangement reached by Mohammed .... of the refugee problem—and the Arabs interpret that resolution, as I do, incidentally, as endorsing the "right of return" (albeit of peace-minded refugees, which I'm not sure is how one should define many of the prospective returnees).
A Response to Daniel Levy - The Daily Beast

Israel, which was busy at the time with the Oslo Accords peace process, agreed in principle with this proposal, but predicated its application on the arrangement of a comprehensive peace accord, and upon a definition of the...
oslo accords definition


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