Wednesday 21 September 2011

iraqi people opinion on the war

George Galloway's victory shows Britain is sick of the war in Afghanistan The Bradford West result is a powerful message of a collapse of trust between people and politicians. The lies must end now Paul Flynn,... treated the public to self-serving deception. We went to war in Iraq in pursuit of non-existent weapons of mass destruction.... For self-preservation, parliament dodges public opinion on other topics. The right to die has been a taboo subject for...

U.S.: Public Opinion On Iraq
U.S.: Public Opinion On Iraq

The verdict on the Iraq war,
The verdict on the Iraq war,

The Iraq War in Context
The Iraq War in Context

In Time of War and over one
In Time of War and over one

Expert Opinion About The War
Expert Opinion About The War

A Year After Iraq War
A Year After Iraq War

Surely standing by and taking careful notes while the Iraqi people you have supposedly liberated [12] from tyranny are getting tortured, sometimes to death, is a violation of the laws of war. After all, in 2005 General Peter Pace,...
counter information: What the Laws of War Allow

Whereas most Americans believed when Obama took office the war was worth fighting, “today a large majority of voters want out, and if Obama accelerates the drawdown, he'll be in sync with public opinion going into the...
iraqi people opinion on the war


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