Saturday 17 September 2011

delphine diallo

By: Cyndi Amaya On Monday, we featured Part I of an interview with Brooklyn artist Delphine Diallo and her journey as an artist. Today we continue that interview and get an inclusive look at her latest project, “The Gift,” an art.

featuring Delphine Diallo
featuring Delphine Diallo

Work of Delphine Diallo
Work of Delphine Diallo

Photo: Delphine Diallo
Photo: Delphine Diallo

Delphine Diallo:
Delphine Diallo:

Delphine Diallo: Peter Beard.
Delphine Diallo: Peter Beard.

Delphine Diallo
Delphine Diallo

Hey guys, visual arts are very important to us and we'd like to put the spotlight on the dopest artists we get to meet and discover in the community.Hailing fr…
Eye Candy: Delphine Diallo's Attention-Grabbing Creations - AFRO ...

Delphine Diallo is currently fundraising over at Kickstarter. I know there is a bit of backlash in regard to Kickstarter, in part because Kickstarter and sites like it, are so cluttered with perhaps not so worthy projects,taking focus...
delphine diallo


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