Monday, 22 August 2011

liechtenstein hetalia

The tough work to do Axis Powers Hetalia Cosplay is that whether.... I've looked all over the place, and I can't seem to find Liechtenstein's age! And when I say age I mean like, how old she looks! Like how Arthur looks twenty...

Liechtenstein Hetalia
Liechtenstein Hetalia

Liechtenstein Hetalia by
Liechtenstein Hetalia by


Hetalia Liechtenstein
Hetalia Liechtenstein



Fandom: Axis Powers: Hetalia Pairing: Prussia/Liechtenstein Theme set: Beta Title: Unicorns would be less surprising, part two Rating: PG-13 Notes: English isn't my first language, so grammar and spelling corrections are...
1sentence: Axis Powers: Hetalia - Prussia/Liechtenstein

HRE/Liechtenstein. It would be weird, but I guess you could do it with a stretch of the imagination. They are both Germanic nations after all. 6) Four/Eight or Four/Nine? Italy/America or Italy/England. Huh. I can't decide. I guess...
liechtenstein hetalia

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