Friday, 12 August 2011

dead sea lion

Cathy also sent us a report about the dead sea lion, which she said was being checked out by a Seattle Police officer while she was there. But she also spotted a baby seal on the beach: “Seal Sitters were there watching over...



number of sea lions every
number of sea lions every

Sea Lions, have recently
Sea Lions, have recently

Dead Sea Lion on Todos Santos
Dead Sea Lion on Todos Santos

California sea lion killed by
California sea lion killed by

Followup: Sea lion found dead in West Seattle was shot twice.
West Seattle Blog… » Followup: Sea lion found dead in West Seattle ...

For fishing vessels, this means that sea lions are often caught in trawling nets while foraging and for a while dead sea-lions would frequently come to the surface in a trawling net. In response, government agencies proposed a...
dead sea lion

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