Thursday 25 August 2011

cambodian food pictures

Cambodian food isn't nearly as widely known as Thai food, but it is still one of the world's most balanced cuisines. It's simple but... Posted in Cambodia, Food, gallery and tagged Cambodia, cuisine, gallery, photos, pictures.

Khmer food Fried Chicken
Khmer food Fried Chicken

Enjoy Cambodian food!
Enjoy Cambodian food!

Cambodian food is for the most
Cambodian food is for the most

Cambodian Food
Cambodian Food

Cambodian Food
Cambodian Food

Cambodian Food - Khmer curry
Cambodian Food - Khmer curry

Translation: Thai thieves got caught stealing Khmer temples on landmines and Thai dog got caught stealing Khmer food on traps. BOOM BOOM BOOM !!!! tee719 says: April 16, 2012 at 5:01 am. btw don't walk about like...
Thai-Cambodia Combating Slows Border Crossings (Cambodia ...

These are the pictures you may enjoy though! :D... The food was absolutely delicious! J... I know you've already seen the Cambodia temple pictures on my blog, but here are a couple more pictures that I thought you'd enjoy!
cambodian food pictures


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