Tuesday, 16 August 2011

athens riots

The Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papdemos is heading to Cyprus, as protesters have clashed with riot police in Athens, hours after a pensioner shot himself dead outside parliament. The 77-year-old man killed himself in the...

has been rioting in Athens
has been rioting in Athens

Shots ring out as Athens riots
Shots ring out as Athens riots

Major riots in the streets of
Major riots in the streets of

GREECE RIOTS athens riot dec
GREECE RIOTS athens riot dec

Athens rioters
Athens rioters

A protester shouts at riot
A protester shouts at riot

Overnight riots after Greek suicide in Athens over austerity cuts. Athens - The suicide of an elderly Greek man over thegovernment's harsh austerity measures triggered violent clashesovernight in Athens'...
Overnight riots after Greek suicide in Athens over austerity cuts - The ...

Athens: riots over pensioner's suicide continue into a second day. Anger and despair is mounting over the tragic suicide of the 77-year-old pensioner, and riots continue into a second day in Athens, Greece.
athens riots

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