The Earth Week Committee of Philadelphia concluded that devoting only one day to the environment would not provide enough time and space to paint a comprehensive picture of the environmental issues confronting mankind.... River with a live satellite phone call with members of the historic Earth Day 20 International Peace Climb who called from their base camp on Mount Everest to pledge their support for world peace and attention to environmental issues.
mount everest 8
mount everest 6
climb Mount Everest from
Photo: Mount Everest at dusk
Mount Everest
Mount Everest from Kala
You can find the free Mount Everest wallpaper below, it is available in various screen resolutions to use on your computer (Apple, Windows, Linux). Use the. See mountain photos (including Mount Everest and others) in this photo gallery from...
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... Michael McDonough+ Add Contact. This photo was taken on April 3, 2012 using a Nikon D800. 226 views 0 comments 0 favorites 0 galleries... .