Saturday, 2 July 2011

ladakh desert animals

In the wild they are herd animals and the wild yaks are an endangered species. The yaks in these photos are domesticated animals used to ferry tourists. The pictures are short in Ladakh. This first one is a white coloured yak.

eastern portion of Ladakh.
eastern portion of Ladakh.

Yak, Indian Animal
Yak, Indian Animal

Yak Safari in Ladakh
Yak Safari in Ladakh

Mountain goats in Ladakh
Mountain goats in Ladakh

Ladakh View
Ladakh View

Ladakh Urial - Ovis vignei
Ladakh Urial - Ovis vignei

Pashmina Goat Cloned in Kashmir by the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry Sheri Kashmir University of Agriculture Sciences and Technology(SKUAST).... Kashmir's goats are found in small populations in remote areas of the northwest border region of Ladakh. A kind of fine, soft wool known as Pashmina is obtained from the fleece of the goat Capra hircus. These goats are found in parts of the Himalayas, the Tibetan plateau and upper reaches of...
Pashmina Goat Cloned in Kashmir – A boon to Kashmiri Reputation ...

Below the fort lies the remainder of the city, more narrow winding streets with some wonderfully carved havelis, beautifully preserved by the dry desert air.... Road to Ladakh - high mountain passes and much more · Kaziranga...
ladakh desert animals

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