Tuesday, 19 July 2011

fiji mermaid x files

So I love The X-Files and I was watching one today and it was really good. Mainly because it was about one of the topics that we discussed in class. It was about circus freaks and the murderer was the Fiji Mermaid. If you want...

but the fiji mermaid one
but the fiji mermaid one

X-Files! Fiji mermaid!
X-Files! Fiji mermaid!

Tags: x-files
Tags: x-files

Fiji mermaid
Fiji mermaid

Fiji Mermaid Circus Sideshow
Fiji Mermaid Circus Sideshow

Fiji Mermaid (49 inch)
Fiji Mermaid (49 inch)

The Fiji Mermaid was a monkey which had a fish tail attached to it, which was later discovered to be a hoax. Top 10 X-Files Episodes. (bluishorange.com/xfiles/). Mulder is fascinated by the story, especially since the killer left...
Top 10 X-Files Episodes

... Hannah and got a wrinkled piece of taxidermy. On a tangential note, a Feejee mermaid was a murder suspect in an X-files episode. The killings eventually were found to be done by a parasitic twin. I really miss the X-files.
fiji mermaid x files

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